Hôtel-Restaurant Saint Georges
12 grand rue
86370 Vivonne
телефон : 05 49 89 01 89 - факс : 05 49 89 00 22
http://www.hotel-st-georges.com10 minutes from Poitiers and 20 minutes from the Futuroscope, the Hotel Le Saint Georges, stands an establishement more than two centuries old. Renovated with great character, it now invites you to savour the delightful, relaxed lifestyle of Poitou. The guest rooms are cosy and comfortable with modern refinements : 30 rooms including some with facilities for disabled guests, all with bath or shower, w.c., hairdryer,free wifi, telephone, minitel socket, internet and TV. 6 rooms wiht air conditioning, elevator and balcony or larger double bed. There is a free parking in the back of the hotel.