mini-icona Hotel Saint Georges

Alloggiamenti, affitti , Hotel dans la Vienne

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Hotel Saint Georges

Tricot Christophe 12, Grand'Rue 86370 Vivonne (Vienne)
Tel : 05 49 89 01 89
Guardare il sito Vivonne is a quiet village in the Poitevin region which has the peaceful waters of three streams flowing through it : the Palais, the Vonne and the Clain. On the main street (Grand'Pue) which leads to the centre of Vivonne, stands an establishment more than two centuries old. Renovated with great character,
it now invites you to, savour the delightful,
relaxed lifestyle of Poitou.

  • **TPictos-Hébergement**
  • **TPictos-Accès handicapé**
  • Parcheggio
  • **TPictos-Télévision**
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Iscrivere il vostro punto turistico dans la Vienne é gratuito